Jewelry Vault
14938 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks CA 91403 818-616-3669

Who is ChronoMate
Chronomate is your friend of time, a site dedicated to watches, jewelry & accessories for collectors.
Investing isn't only about money, its also about time, and generally this is what we prefer to invest in.
Our goal is to have a marketplace intended for our friends at ideal prices.
Not just ads of dream watches we can't afford but items for sale we can.
What type of items
100% Authentic
Modern, Vintage, New & Used old stock, really anything worth buying, anything that retains value worth considering by collectors. Pre-owned, is the way to go; they don't make them like they use to, even if they do the older models just aren't available at demand.
Where do you get these
From you of coarse, when you wake up in the morning and the first thing you can think of is to buy sell or trade something, you have this same passion. To meet with local dealers, go through estate sales, private adds, second hand shops, to take a drive for hours for an appointment in a town you've never been to and hear their story, you have this same problem.
When & How
In a short paragraph , over 20 years of experience & education.
It's quite simple; Material, quality, detail & functionality, this formula can never be replicated, wether it's gold, diamonds or a Rolex, no matter how close they come, it hasn't been done. You let me know, when you can turn lead to gold and I'll close this site & admit I don't know anything.
Simply because we want to share the passion, we want the community to grow, we don't want it to die, the history the nostalgia, it's economy.
New comers are under the intention that this is a closed community, exclusive, private, who ever led you to believe this is only in it for the profit, those guys are grey market vs we are hand to hand.